Sternhammer 2021-09-18 (5/10)
Played this to completion (if you call that complete) back in the day despite all its obvious failings. Its far from a classic though, in fact, in most respects (graphics, parser, bugs galore etc) its not actually very good but it did hold my attention.
Just about scrapes a 5 out of 10.
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p.a. 2010-08-28 (3/10)
This game disappointed me. When you hear the words "aztec" and "tomb" you expect the game with good atmosphere and mystical puzzles, I'd say. The game ends when its hero finally reaches the tomb... That's where it should have started. The puzzles are not too good, the parser irritates me, the graphics are ugly and there's no sound. Hard to believe that Anthony Crowther did this. 3/10
ps. I don't know if it's the proper sequel, but the game "Aztec tomb revisited" exists.
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Takumaji 2008-08-23 (7/10)
I give Aztec Tomb a 7/10, not for its graphics (they are rather ugly), nor its parser (it's dull and overly simple) but for the inspiration it gave me to create my own adventure game written in Basic. Quill (an adventure-maker toolkit) was not invented yet, so the only chance for me was to buy a couple of books on programming and start from scratch. Took me about half a year to come up with a rather crude adventure-style game that I based on a Marvel comic (F4) story. Some friends of mine agreed to play-test it but none of them was able to finish it due to lots of silly bugs and parser flaws, so I canned the project after another three months and started to code a lettermaker instead (lettermakers were all the rage back then). Ah well... Nostalgia, eh... 7/10.
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stooart 2005-12-20 (7/10)
It's amazing how games have changed. This was done, actually rather well, solely from ROM graphics and had quite a difficult parsar. What was good was getting to see a new location once finishing a puzzle though. These games should be remembered for how simple, yet captivating they were.
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TheOmen 2005-04-13 (6/10)
Since it was kinda hard to understand the language, it was 'go wash your mouth with soap' time!
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Hannibal 2003-11-07
This was the very first adventure I tried, without having a clue of what was going on (I.. Ahem.. Had lost the manual). I played it with my whole family and the feeling of exploring another world was great. I think it took half an hour before we accidentially moved to another location.
I didn't finish it until recently on an emulator.
Not a great game, but great memories...
herebedragons 2003-06-29
This is a nice game.
you guys have no clue.
Lemonope 2003-06-28
Its not that bad TWR!
I actually loved adeventures, esciapply the ones like this one that were programed in BASIC so I could get the listing off it, edit it and change all the verbs, re-save it to disk and pretend I programmed it on my own! Geez those were the days!
TWR 2003-04-29
A very poor adventure with "basic" graphics. Slow, unrealistic and very boring. Suitable in the trash-can...
Cliff 2003-04-01
Oh wow.
I would of loved this game years ago. Hehe, would of given me lots of ideas. Anyhow, how much did this game cost anyway?
Sca 2003-04-01
Why I cant' use "space" on my keyboard?
I can't do anything.
dogboy73 2002-12-09
Lol. I remember this. Not quite up to the standard of twin kingdom valley but I was well into my adventure games at the time. I finished it which means I must have spent all of 2 hours on it :-) not the biggest game in the world & to my knowledge that sequal never materialised. Probably a good thing really.
Iceman 2002-10-25
I actually fixed some of the bugs myself, but I never really got anywhere in the game. But look at those graphics!
Robb 2002-03-08
Right, what about aztec tomb II?
nobody knows?
Tutri 2002-01-02
Did somebody actually pay for this in '83? How many bugs can you leave in a simple Basic program? Where's the rest of the story once you finish this? If I'd gotten the sequel in my hands I might even have forgiven some of the flaws in this "product", but no... Imagine an Infocom text adventure, then leave out the parser, the story after the first ten moves and add a bunch of typos and you'll get Aztec Tomb!