Best Enneagram Memes For Personality Types 1 - 9 (2025)

Whether you are type 1 or a type 9 (or in between) these Enneagram memes and images are highly relatable for all types.

Best Enneagram Memes For Personality Types 1 - 9 (1)

So the Enneagram is about how YOU see the world. This personality test is a favorite of mine and many. Enjoy these enneagram memes where we laugh at how we see the world.

The Best Memes to Explain Enneagram Personalities

I love finding out what Enneagram types people say they are. Since technically you are suppose to choose your type – but isn’t it fun trying to guess what other people say they are?

Best Enneagram Memes For Personality Types 1 - 9 (2)

Anyways, those of us that are obsessed – these funny Enneagram memes are for you. These funny Enneagram Memes are hilarious and perfect for those friends who are tired of you talking about types, wings, and what have you.

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What’s an Enneagram? Oh, let me tell you about it.

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Enneagram 1 for the Perfectionist

Alright perfectionists – here are Enneagram 1 memes.

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Next, lets look at self care tips for the type one.

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The Perfectionist – type 1 memes about self care tips. Read more about being an Enneagram Type 1.

When you are trying so hard to not judge but you KNOW that someone is a certain Enneagram type. This Enneagram meme nails it.

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Enneagram 2 for the Helper

Known as The Helper, Enneagram 2 memes to laugh and help you better understand your type.

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This word map shows what to know about the type 2 enneagram personality type.

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Enneagram 2 meme – you are lovable, compassionate, friendly and peoplare drawn to you.

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Self care tips for Enneagram 2 friends.

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This Enneagram 2 meme from @mirabellecreations is the perfect description of a type 2.

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More info about The Helper (from @brushandbarley)

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The Type 2, helper is…

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How the Enneagram Type 2 sees the world.

Enneagram 3 for the Achiever Performer

Alright Achievers, we are talking Enneagram 3 memes.

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What characterizes a Enneagram type 3? Check out these characteristics.

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Self care tips for Enneagram type 3, Performers.

Enneagram 4 for the Romantic or Individualist

Romantics, here are Enneagram Type 4 memes.

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First a doodle with all of your personality type attributes.

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From the EnneaApp – this is a great description of Type 4 Enneagram friends.

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Enneagram 5 for the Investigator

Curious to what type 5 Enneagram types are about? Of course you are if you are an investigator.

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Explore more with these Enneagram 5 memes. Image from @justmyenneatype.

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You like to keep the peace, quiet, a great listening eat and more.

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Do you like to solve problems? Are you a good listener? Curious? Maybe you are an enneagram type 5!

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Enneagram 6 for the Loyalist

Trouble shooter, skeptical, committed and totally loyal. Are those applicable to you? If so – Enneagram type 6 memes.

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Here are the Enneagram 6 memes that speak most to your personality type.

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Best friend, running on stress, trouble shooter – any enneagram 6 types out there?

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You are a loyalist, type 6!

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No, we aren’t enemies! Stop fretting type 6s!

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Enneagram 7 for the Enthusiast

I am you! That’s right, I am totally a type 7 Enneagram, but relate a lot to these introvert memes.

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If you too are an Enthusiast, these Enneagram 7 memes are for you.

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Who are you? Does this describe you? Maybe you are an Enneagram 7.

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Self care tips fro Enneagram Type 7.

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source: @enneagramandcoffee

Enneagram 8 for the Challenger

Listen up, Challengers. I am a type 7w8 so totally get you.

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Here are Enneagram 8 memes to help you learn more about your personality type.

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Type Eight Self Care Tips – enneagram 8 – take care of yourself!

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source: @enneagramandcoffee

Enneagram 9 for the Peacemaker

I have a son and a husband who are both Enneagram type 9s.

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These Enneagram 9 memes will totally hit you if you are a 9 or know one.

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Self care tips for Enneagram Type 9.

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source: @enneagramandcoffee

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Peacemakers, here is an accurate description of Type 9s.

We love you type 9, no really – we do.

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It’s okay, Enneagram type 9 – you did something today and you are done. We get it.

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More Memes About the Enneagram

We aren’t stopping there, here are more memes about Enneagrams for those of you obsessed with your personality test results!

Cast of Friends Enneagram Types Meme

What Enneagram type is Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe, Joey and Ross? Let’s look and see!

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  • Joey – Enneagram Type 7
  • Phoebe – Enneagram Type 9
  • Ross – Enneagram Type 5
  • Chandler – Enneagram Type 6
  • Rachel – Enneagram Type 3
  • Monica – Enneagram Type 1

The Office Enneagram Types

Find out the Enneagram types of the Office. What type is Michael Scott, Dwight, Jim, Pam – let’s find out in this funny Enneagram meme.

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Fan of The Office? Don’t miss our post on the best of The Office Quotes.

Christian Enneagram

Yes, some Christians have issues with the Enneagram – even though it is said the Enneagram has Christian roots.

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This funny Christian Enneagram meme made me laugh. For all of us christians who don’t do astrology, you know people are always judging!

Faces of Enneagram

This collection of faces describing each Enneagram type nails it!

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There is always the comparison of Myers Briggs test vs Enneagram Test.

Myers Briggs Test vs Enneagram

The old personality test, Myers Briggs test has been around for years. As of recent more and more employers, counselors and even churches are embracing the Enneagram test.

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The Enneagram is how YOU see the world. Meyers-Briggs is how THE WORLD sees you. That is the difference between the 2 personality tests.

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Fascinating Enneagram Images About Types

These Enneagram images will help you better understand the types, how to interact with them and how they interact in certain situations.

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Meeting Enneagram Types

Here is what the various Enneagram types are like in a meeting.

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Enneagram Types at a Dinner Party

This image cracked me up. Think about your last dinner party – did your friends live up to their “types”?

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Enneagram of Adolescence

While Enneagram is meant for adults, have you typed your kids? Come on, you obsessed know you have!

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These Enneagram memes provide helpful information about each type.

Enneagram Love Matches

Glad to know that my husband is a good love match for me!

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Book Recommendations for Your Enneagram Type

Looking for a good book based on your type? Check out these suggestions.

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Enneagram Super Powers

What are your superpowers? Check your type and find out!

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image from @enneagramandcoffee

Productivity Tips for Enneagram Types

Here is how to get things done and be productive per type:

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(image from @enneagramandcoffee)

Things to Never

Never: criticize a 1, take a 2 for granted, ignore a 3, tell a 4 what to do, underestimate a 5, lie to a 6, try to control a 8, betray an 8’s trust or talk over a 9.

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Mending Things

Looking to mend a relationship? If you know their type, this Mending Things image shows you how to best relate in a mending situation.

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Whatever Type You Are

This is a good reminder, whatever type you are and whatever makes you weird is probably your greatest asset – so embrace it

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I plan on adding more Enneagram memes per type – so check back! These will get you LOLing for now.

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Feel free to share these memes and Enneagram images. We just ask you to link back to us here at – or tag us on social @digitalmomblog.

More Enneagram Resources

Learn more about your type and others with our resources, including these hilarious Enneagram memes and images.

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The best place to start on your journey is learning about the Enneagram test. There are a total of 9 Enneagram types, click below to learn more about each personality type.

Type 2
Type 3

Type 4
Type 5
Type 6

Type 7
Type 8
Type 9

  • For readers, here is a list of Enneagram books.
  • Prefer audio? here is a list of Enneagram podcasts.

Enneagram memes are part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes

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Best Enneagram Memes For Personality Types 1 - 9 (2025)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.