1. Texas Utility Help
FAQ · Forms & Resources · Landlords
Texas Utility Help is a program that provides financial assistance to qualified low income Texas homeowners and renters who need help to pay their utility bills. Eligible expenses include electricity, gas, propane, water, and wastewater.
2. FAQ - Texas Utility Help
What is LIHEAP? The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) assists eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill ...
Browse frequently asked questions (FAQ) in English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, and Vietnamese. We’re always adding new commonly asked questions.
3. COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program - Rent Relief
The Rental Assistance Program is available to renters who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program About the Program The Rental Assistance Program is available to renters who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility An “eligible household” is defined as a rental household in which at least one or more individuals meets the following criteria: Qualifies for unemployment or has experienced a reduction […]
4. Assistance Paying your Bill - Public Utility Commission of Texas
Senate Bill 1976. Beginning September 1, 2017 electric providers may provide a benefit to their low-income customers. In order to be eligible to match you ...
On This Page
5. Texas Utility Help Program Re-Opens Energy Bill Assistance
11 nov 2022 · Qualified homeowners and renters can get help with total past due utility payments for electricity, natural gas and propane, plus up to $2,400 ...
The Texas Utility Help program has reopened to provide utility bill assistance to Texans.
6. Texas Rent Relief and the Texas Eviction Diversion Program
By providing rent and utility assistance, TRR and TEDP helped low and moderate income Texas renters remain stably housed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Texas ...
7. Get help with energy bills | USAGov
Explore LIHEAP, WAP, and other government programs to help pay for your heating, cooling, or home weatherization depending on your income.
8. Federal utility bill assistance program favors colder states
22 jul 2024 · The program helps low-income people with heating and cooling bills, but advocates say it disadvantages Texas and other warm-weather states, ...
The program helps low-income people with heating and cooling bills, but advocates say it disadvantages Texas and other warm-weather states, even though extreme heat is a key cause of weather-related deaths.
9. Help with Utilities | Texas Law Help
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This article has tips to help you pay your utility bills and prevent disconnections.