The Dhaal party is a main quest event that must be completed to continue the game. Steele will go to a large networking event/party focused on the Zaibatsus, in an attempt to improve relations with them and find clues to the probe's location.
- 1 Party invitation
- 2 Attending the party
- 3 Events
- 3.1 Base events
- 3.1.1 Jack/Jill middle event
- 3.2 Bonus events
- 3.1 Base events
- 4 Zaibatsu Head meeting
- 4.1 Utopian Skies CEO: Executress Corellah Dova
- 4.2 Paragon CEO: Fabricator-Marshal Rizzon Zau
- 4.3 Bright Water CEO: Maven Jaqui Fassbin
- 5 Affiliation distribution
- 6 Afterparty
- 7 Loot
Party invitation
The first time Steele enters the space south of Gyre's End Taxi (see party invite location image). They will be approached by Darius and his Paragon bodyguards who will then give Steele the Steele Tech invitation for the event, whilst also allowing Steele to ask him some questions.
- Zaibatsus? - What can Darius tell you about the three corporations native to Dhaal?
- Steele Tech - What’s Steele Tech’s operation on Dhaal?
- The Shindig - So about this party...
- Darius’s Job - So what’s Darius’s role in the company anyway?
- Done - Take the invite and part ways with the Steele Tech rep.
Attending the party
To attend the party Steele must wear "proper" clothes, this means their clothes must have the "Classy" tag.
Should Steele not be in possession of clothes with this flag, they can buy some from Gwon in her "Gabmart Threadz" shop.
A list of outfits that posses this flag
- Classy Suit
- Ephemerobe
- Hexweave Dress
- Lumisuit
- Zaika-Style Gown
For the duration of the party, Steele will go through several events, each of which increases their affiliation with a particular zaibatsu.
Base events
A detailed breakdown of affiliation gains can be found in the #Affiliation distribution section. |
Events that occur in random order during the party. And are guaranteed to occur.
- Squatter's Rights? - Advice a peer on how to deal with some squatters in her habitation block.
- Force Out - The property owner’s right, she should force out the cretins squatting on her territory.
- +1 to Paragon affiliation
- Make Brothel - The girl on the Tamani pup’s arm is right: you have to appeal to the people that ARE on the property, not the ones you want. Make brothels and entertainment complexes to take their money instead.
- +1 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- Force Out - The property owner’s right, she should force out the cretins squatting on her territory.
- Adventures? Adventures! - A group of young Zaika peers ask to hear some stories.
- Sexy - Tell these girls about all the encounters you’ve had with the sexy species of the 14th Rush.
- +1 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- Violent - Tell them about your swashbuckling adventures across the frontier.
- +1 to Paragon affiliation
- Party - You’ve come across all kinds of transformations and body mods. The galaxy seems like a drug-fueled TF-bender.
- +1 to Bright Water affiliation
- Sexy - Tell these girls about all the encounters you’ve had with the sexy species of the 14th Rush.
- Terraforming... - A Gryvain Heartland Republic ambassador talks to Steele and asks about Steele Tech's plans (Slight variation if Steele's initial race is Half-Gryvain)
- Flirt - Your company could be a lot closer to the Republic...
- +2 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- Marks that this has happened for future reference
- Drugs - You think backing Dhaal’s drug market would help the planet. Let the streets flood with transformations and medicines!
- +1 to Bright Water affiliation
- Entertainment - What Dhaal needs is a lot more pleasure for the masses: movies, brothels, gambling!
- +1 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- Security - You’ve been through the mean streets already, and you can tell that what this planet needs is some help restoring law and order.
- +1 to Paragon affiliation
- Flirt - Your company could be a lot closer to the Republic...
- Slavery... - A Carver Consolidated corporate representative notices Steele and strikes up a conversation, before asking about Steele's opinion on Slavery as punishment.
- Into It - Yeah, you can definitely see the appeal of making worthless wretches into high-class slaves. Choice is a privilege, and they’ve lost it.
- +1 to Paragon affiliation
- Shifts personality to hard by 10 points
- Work Release - There’s got to be better ways to keep a population from descending into anarchy than slavery! Some kind of work-release program, or in the case of the zaika, even something digital to keep the dangerous ones off the street.
- +1 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- Into It - Yeah, you can definitely see the appeal of making worthless wretches into high-class slaves. Choice is a privilege, and they’ve lost it.
- Milky Leithan - A pregnant leithan employed by Steele Tech has been tricked into becoming a milk bar for the evening. How does Steele respond?
- Encourage - Encourage the zaika to drink deeply of alien milk - especially when it’s provided by Steele Tech!
- +1 to Bright Water affiliation
- Discourage - come on, this is hardly appropriate - especially at a prestigious gathering like this. The zaika will need to find some other diversion than leithan milk tonight.
- +1 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- Encourage - Encourage the zaika to drink deeply of alien milk - especially when it’s provided by Steele Tech!
- Flesh And Metal - Some cyber augmented Zaika ask about the state of cybernetic in the U.G.C..
- Cyber Bully - Tell the curious zaika that cybernetics are extremely gauche in Confederate space. They need to be ditching the chrome for gene mods, ASAP!
- +1 to Bright Water affiliation
- Shifts personality to mischievous by 5 points
- It's Fine! - Nobody minds cybernetics. They aren’t in fashion as much anymore, but it’s not a big deal.
- +1 to Paragon affiliation
- Cyber Bully - Tell the curious zaika that cybernetics are extremely gauche in Confederate space. They need to be ditching the chrome for gene mods, ASAP!
Jack/Jill middle event
Will always occur during the middle of the party.
Steele will find their cousin, having taken some mods and working as a waiter/waitress for the event. After a short conversation, Steele can give their opinion on their rival's new appearance.
- Make Fun - Haha what a loser.
- Shifts personality to mischievous by 5 points
- Ends encounter with cousin Jack/Jill.
- A Good Look - That’s a good look on you, cousin! Real cute.
- Shifts personality to nice by 4 points
After complimenting their rival, the party will move to the dancing part. Steele can then dance with their rival for a while before losing them in the crowd, or leave them in the crowd right away.
- Ask Jack/Jill - Jack/Jill’s head start isn’t getting any bigger, right?
- See Ya - You’ve got a probe to find, too! Just a step behind [rival.himHer], that’s all!
Bonus events
Events that occur when certain conditions are met.
Anno at the party
- Completed Anno's Ghost Deck quest
- Anno is crew
Carver carving a new niche
- Chose It’s Fine during her Tarkus Operation talk
- Received a handjob from Carver
- Will increase Paragon affiliation by 2
Zaibatsu Head meeting
After all the events Steele will be invited to meet one of the Zaibatsu heads depending on their affiliation with the Zaibatsu's. (a table detailing scoring from the base and bonus events can be found in the #Affiliation distribution section)
Utopian Skies CEO: Executress Corellah Dova
- Utopian Skies affiliation is higher than or equal to both Paragon and Bright Water affiliation
Paragon CEO: Fabricator-Marshal Rizzon Zau
- Utopian Skies affiliation is less than either Paragon or Bright Water affiliation
- Paragon affiliation is higher than or equal to both Utopian Skies and Bright Water affiliation
Bright Water CEO: Maven Jaqui Fassbin
- Utopian Skies affiliation is less than either Paragon or Bright Water affiliation
- Paragon affiliation is less than either Paragon or Bright Water affiliation
Utopian Skies CEO: Executress Corellah Dova
This meeting occurs if Steele's Utopian Skies affiliation is equal to or higher than Paragon and Bright Water's affiliations.
Steele is asked to meet with Executress Corellah Dova, upon meeting she will ask Steele to tell her some stories.
- Okay - Tell the executress about your encounters with the galaxy’s pirates and slavers.
- No penalty incurred
- No - You don’t really want to tell the story of your adventures to this over-friendly space elf.
- -2 to Utopian Skies affiliation
Afterward, she will Steele ask which company has the most fun stuff.
- SteeleTech - Obviously the party is right here, baby.
- Recieve the Dance Heaven System as a gift
- Xenogen - What’s more fun than a bunch of weird alien transformations, huh?
- -2 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- Carver - Expertly-molded courtesans, hand-crafted in mind and body? What could be better?
- -2 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- TamaniCorp - What’s more fun than sex, drugs, and rock & roll? Well, mostly the sex and drugs anyway.
- +2 to Utopian Skies affiliation
- Recieve the Dance Heaven System as a gift
Paragon CEO: Fabricator-Marshal Rizzon Zau
This meeting occurs if Steele's Utopian Skies affiliation is less than either Paragon or Bright Water affiliation, whilst Steele's Paragon affiliation is higher than or equal to both Utopian Skies and Bright Water affiliation
Steele is asked to meet with Fabricator-Marshal Rizzon Zau, upon meeting she will ask Steele to tell see how one of Paragon's guns compares to yours.
- Sure - You don’t know what Rizzon is planning, but you’re always interested in seeing new broomsticks.
- Recieve the XTR-8 Peer at the end of the party
- You Keep It - You don’t really want to play gun-nerds with a chromed-up alien commando here.
- -2 to Paragon affiliation
Afterward, she will ask Steele if the galaxy is really a place where the strong rule.
- Yeah - Yeah, the galaxy is a place where the strong rule. Woe to the weak and the foolish.
- +2 to Paragon affiliation
- Not That Bad... - No, it’s not that bad out there! Sure, there’s a lot of people who take advantage of the weak, like Carver, but most people are civilized and believe in liberty and justice...
- No penalty or reward
Bright Water CEO: Maven Jaqui Fassbin
This meeting occurs if Steele's Utopian Skies affiliation is less than either Paragon or Bright Water affiliation, whilst Steele's Paragon affiliation is also less than either Utopian Skies or Bright Water.
Steele is asked to meet with Maven Jaqui Fassbin, upon meeting she will ask Steele to tell of their conquests.
- Okay - Sure, why not?
- No penalty incurred
- No Way - You don’t really want to spill all these beans to a powerful alien oligarch.
- -2 to Bright Water affiliation
Afterward, she will ask Steele their opinion on Xenogen.
- Xenogen Good - You’ve had no bad experiences with XenoGen...
- Recieve suit of Chemaster Armor as a gift
- Xenogen Bad - Oh no, Xenogen’s pretty bad.
- -2 to Bright Water affiliation
Affiliation distribution
Distribution of affiliation gain through the events.
Event | Choice | Utopian Skies | Paragon | Bright Water |
Squatter's Rights? | Force Out | 0 | +1 | 0 |
Make Brothel | +1 | 0 | 0 | |
Adventures? Adventures! | Sexy | +1 | 0 | 0 |
Violent | 0 | +1 | 0 | |
Party | 0 | 0 | +1 | |
Terraforming... | Flirt | +2 | 0 | 0 |
Drugs | 0 | 0 | +1 | |
Entertainment | +1 | 0 | 0 | |
Security | 0 | +1 | 0 | |
Slavery... | Into It | 0 | +1 | 0 |
Work Release | +1 | 0 | 0 | |
Milky Leithan | Encourage | 0 | 0 | +1 |
Discourage | +1 | 0 | 0 | |
Flesh And Metal | Cyber Bully | 0 | 0 | +1 |
It's Fine! | 0 | +1 | 0 | |
Carver carving a new niche | N/A | 0 | +2 | 0 |
Zaibatsu | Choice | Affilation gain/loss |
Utopian Skies | Okay | 0 |
No | -2 | |
Steele Tech | 0 | |
Xenogen | -2 | |
Carver | -2 | |
Tamani | +2 | |
Paragon | Sure | 0 |
You Keep It | -2 | |
Yeah | +2 | |
Not That Bad... | 0 | |
Bright Water | Okay | 0 |
No Way | -2 | |
Xenogen Good | 0 | |
Xenogen Bad | -2 |
List of maximum obtainable affiliation for each Zaibatsu
- Utopian Skies
- 6 from base events
- +2 for a maximum of 8 from Utopian Skies head meeting
- Paragon
- 5 from base events
- +2 for a maximum of 7 from bonus event (Carver carving a new niche)
- +2 for a maximum of 9 from Paragon head meeting
- Bright Water
- 4 from base events
In version 0.9.096, (0.9.099 for public), an afterparty was added immediately following the Zaibatsu Head Meeting in order to improve Dhaal's overall flow, filling the awkward gap between the party and Feruze's encounter.
The player will have up to three choices of after parties to attend, depending on their choices during the party.
- Party Girls - You’ve had enough diplomacy and scheming. Just let loose with some native party girls.
- Has variations for
- Has vagina
- Has penis
- Cum ejaculation quantity of
- Less than 10000 mLs
- More than 10000 mLs
- Cum ejaculation quantity of
- Is Cumslut or Is Bimbo
- Can Lactate
- Has Tailcock
- Has Tailcunt
- Gryvain Party - Ambassador Elyrrin is waiting for you, and getting the undivided attention of a centuries-old representative of one of the Confederacy’s most powerful member nations isn’t something to pass up. Especially when she’s that eager to get her hands on you...
- Must have chosen Flirt during the Terraforming event with Ambassador Elyrrin
- Further options for
- Mommy Dom - Let Elyrrin take the lead, cradling you in her lap while you suckle a tit and jerk her off. She’s so horny for you, though, that such a light touch can’t be the end... and mommy’s dick won’t take no for an answer.
- Has variations for
- Has penises
- Has vaginas
- Bend Her Over - You’ve got this beautiful, curvy milf right where you want her. Brace her up on her hands and spread her legs so you can go to town on that big scaly ass.
- Has penis or hardlight strap-on
- Has variations for
- Penis length is
- Less than 6 in
- Less than 12 in but greater than 6 in
- Less than 18 in but greater than 12 in
- Greater than 18 in
- Has balls
- Penis length is
- Snake Party - Snake parties can go on forever as long as the snake doesn’t accidentally bend back and touch itself.
- Further options for
- Dom Me - These are professional sluts and if you want the full experience, you’re going to have to let them take the reins.
- Has variations for
- Has penis
- Has taken Snakebyte
- Has fuckable nipples
- Has 3 or more breasts
- Dom Them - When dealing with Carter Catering, it’s always a good idea to be the one in charge.
- Has variations for
- Has penis
- Cum ejaculation quantity of
- Less than 100 mLs
- Less than 2000 mLs but more than 100 mLs
- More than 2000 mLs
- More than 1 penis
- Cum ejaculation quantity of
- Has vagina
- Does not have a prehensile tail
- Has balls
- Has penis
- Taxi - Disregard the girls and girly bois. You need time to think.
- Skips any afterparty shenanigans
Any choice other than the Taxi will progress time by 36 hours, immediately enabling Feruze's encounter on the taxi.
Main Event
- Dance Heaven System
- From meeting Executress Corellah Dova and choosing either Steele Tech or Tamani Corp as the corporation with the most fun stuff.
- XTR-8 Peer
- From meeting Fabricator-Marshal Rizzon Zau and agreeing to try her gun
- Suit of Chemaster Armor
- From meeting Maven Jaqui Fassbin and saying that Xenogen Biotech is good
Snake Afterparty
- If first time done Dom Me
- 2 Clippex
- 3 EasyFit Cream
- SnakeByte
- If first time done Dom Them
- Vernacola
- 2 Soak
- 3 Semen’s Friend Candy