Factory - Escape From Tarkov Guide - IGN (2025)


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Factory is a close-quarter playable map in Escape from Tarkov. This industrial zone is perfect for players who like more straightforward action, like in other popular FPS. However, the area comes with its own difficulties and problems.

Check IGN’s guide to know more about Factory. Learn its extraction points, overall details, and how you should play this map.

  • Factory Overview
  • Extraction Points
  • Best Factory Kit
  • Tips for Playing in Factory


Factory Overview

“The industrial estate and facilities of Chemical Plant No. 16 were rented out illegally to the TerraGroup corporation. During the advent of the Contract Wars, the plant became the scene of numerous firefights between BEAR and USEC that ultimately determined control over the industrial district of Tarkov. Later on, in the wake of the chaos, the plant facilities became a shelter for the remaining civilians, Scavs, and military operatives, including the scattered remains of the BEAR and USEC contingents.” [In-game description]
  • Quantity of PMC players: from 4 to 6.
  • Duration of Raid: 15 minutes.
  • Size: one of the shortest maps, all indoors.
  • Bosses: Tagilla and Cultist Priest.

Extraction Points

NameDescriptionWho Can Use It?Is It Always Open/Usable?Does It Require A Key Or Action?Picture
Gate OOne of the big red gates on floor 0, on the south of the map. It has barrels before the door.EveryoneYesYes, a Factory Emergency Exit Key.
Med Tent GatesAnother red gate on the same floor, located on the southeast part of the map. This one has boxes covered before the door, and tents before the main entrance.PMCYesYes, a Factory Emergency Exit Key.
Gate 3The last red gate, on the northwestern side of the map. There’s a blue cargo container before the door, and the area is full of green flares.EveryoneYesNo
Office WindowIt’s in a devastated office on the second floor, near a window with a broken curtain.ScavYesNo
Camera Bunker DoorOn the west side of the underground floor, near some barrels.ScavYesNo
CellarsOn the north end of the underground passage, near the stairs that lead to the Forklifts are on floor 0.PMCYesNo

Best Factory Kit

Factory is one of the smallest maps in Escape from Tarkov, and it’s perfect for battles at medium and short ranges. While you can hide in many corners, it’s recommended to have an active playstyle and bring the proper equipment.

For the primary weapon, any pump action shotgun like the M590A1 or the M3 Super 90 is a solid pick for most zones.

You can have a submachine gun or an assault rifle for more accuracy as your secondary weapon. It’s not recommended to bring a sniper rifle unless you’ve so much experience that you can get kills without aiming with the scope.

To know more about what guns and pieces of equipment to bring, you can check our Weapons Guide, Best Armor Guide, and Best Pistol Guide pages. Also, never forget that the most important thing about a weapon is the bullet you choose, so check our Best Tarkov Ammo Guide for some useful tips.


Tips for Playing in Factory

  • If you’re looking for loot, this isn’t perhaps the best map for it. You’ll have the chance to steal whatever you can get from AI Scavs and other PMCs, but there isn’t much in the zone itself.
  • Apart from specific spots, it’s not the best map to stand still and wait for enemies. It has locations where you can be shot from many angles, and too many areas get crowded pretty fast.
  • In addition to the point above, there’s a more than significant quantity of Scavs (both AI and real players) on this map, and you should be aware of the bots. They move in groups and you can get overwhelmed pretty easily.
  • The offices on the second floor are one of the most dangerous places in the whole area. It’s a narrow space where PMCs usually gather and have intense battles. However, it’s a good place when time’s almost out, so you can loot any corpse around.
  • Jaeger will ask you to complete quests on this map, especially on the offices. These are mostly based on killing PMCs. However, other NPCs like Prapor will also ask you to stash items in specific spots.
  • Almost every extraction point is easily reached, but do mind that the Med Tent Gates, Gate 0, and the Cellars points require a Factory Emergency Exit Key. This means that the other extract might get a lot of attention.
  • It’s the only map that has fixed hours of arrival. They mostly changed the amount of time left in the area. Also, the Cultist only appears at night.

Looking for more tips and guides for your time with Escape from Tarkov? Please check the following pages:

  • Beginner's Guide: Basics and Features
  • Scav Guide
  • Combat Guide and Tips

Up Next: Interchange


Top Guide Sections

  • Beginner's Guide: Basics and Features
  • Scav Guide
  • Combat Guide and Tips
  • Loot Guide

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Escape From Tarkov



Related Guides

OverviewBeginner's Guide: Basics and FeaturesScav GuideCombat Guide and Tips

Factory - Escape From Tarkov Guide - IGN (2025)


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