Jun 3, 2024 đ€ Save
Table of Contents
- 1. Herbert Simone Paragnani Meaning & Origin
- 2. Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation
- 3. Practice & Share Herbert Simone Paragnani's Pronunciation
- 4. Herbert Simone Paragnani Name Popularity
- 5. Famous People with Name Herbert Simone Paragnani
- 6. Discover Herbert Simone Paragnani's Perfect Nickname
- 7. Names similar to Herbert Simone Paragnani
Herbert Simone Paragnani Meaning & Origin
On the name Herbert Simone Paragnani, Herbert means Illustrious Warrior, Excellent Army, Ruler, Bright Army. Simone means Heard, God has Heard, One who Hears, Listening Intently.
The name Herbert Simone Paragnani's origin is English.
Herbert Simone Paragnani is a Male name primarily used as a First Name.
Herbert Simone Paragnani is commonly found in Germany, Austria, United States of America, and 84 more countries.
How to pronounce Herbert Simone Paragnani?
Learn how to pronounce Herbert Simone Paragnani correctly by listening to our 14 audio pronunciations. click and hear the audio pronunciations as many times as you need to master the pronunciation of Herbert Simone Paragnani.
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in English (US)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in English (US)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in English (US)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in English (UK)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in Spanish (Spain)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in French (France)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in German (Germany)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in Portuguese (Portugal)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in Italian (Italy)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in Dutch (Netherlands)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in Russian (Russia)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in Arabic
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in English (India)
- Herbert Simone Paragnani Pronunciation in Hindi (India)
How to pronounce Herbert Simone Paragnani in other languages?
Learn how Herbert Simone Paragnani might sound in different languages or accents. Select from a variety of languages available in the dropdown and hit 'Pronounce' to hear Herbert Simone Paragnani spoken.
Practice & Share Herbert Simone Paragnani's Pronunciation
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Herbert Name Popularity
At NamesLook, the name Herbert is recorded 19,661 times globally, ranking it as the 3,225th most common name worldwide.
Herbert is most prevalent in Germany, with 4,654 occurrences, making it the 234th most popular name in the country.
In Austria, the name Herbert is found among 1 in every 27 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.
Herbert Popularity by Country
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Country | Rank | Frequency |
Germany | #234 | 1 : 79 |
Austria | #54 | 1 : 27 |
United States of America | #1,469 | 1 : 693 |
South Africa | #1,854 | 1 : 2,175 |
Peru | #1,044 | 1 : 1,069 |
Netherlands | #1,065 | 1 : 513 |
Italy | #2,754 | 1 : 1,871 |
Brazil | #1,635 | 1 : 1,546 |
Switzerland | #606 | 1 : 435 |
Nigeria | #2,579 | 1 : 3,239 |
Guatemala | #747 | 1 : 713 |
Hong Kong | #1,205 | 1 : 1,783 |
Saudi Arabia | #10,026 | 1 : 12,255 |
United Kingdom | #3,323 | 1 : 2,383 |
France | #5,813 | 1 : 6,330 |
Colombia | #5,902 | 1 : 7,009 |
Canada | #2,705 | 1 : 2,152 |
Belgium | #2,336 | 1 : 1,900 |
Bolivia | #1,982 | 1 : 2,428 |
Chile | #3,100 | 1 : 4,605 |
Philippines | #1,016 | 1 : 1,942 |
Malaysia | #8,465 | 1 : 16,184 |
United Arab Emirates | #5,852 | 1 : 8,433 |
Mexico | #6,451 | 1 : 8,189 |
Ghana | #996 | 1 : 1,690 |
Cameroon | #2,088 | 1 : 4,270 |
Costa Rica | #1,906 | 1 : 1,759 |
Singapore | #4,009 | 1 : 7,434 |
Spain | #6,831 | 1 : 8,835 |
Jamaica | #734 | 1 : 1,159 |
Qatar | #4,720 | 1 : 7,784 |
Oman | #8,107 | 1 : 11,075 |
Namibia | #990 | 1 : 2,563 |
Poland | #1,297 | 1 : 1,596 |
Iran | #3,938 | 1 : 4,012 |
Sweden | #1,923 | 1 : 2,065 |
Panama | #3,194 | 1 : 5,186 |
Czechia | #1,547 | 1 : 2,000 |
China | #1,632 | 1 : 4,162 |
Ireland | #3,076 | 1 : 3,872 |
Taiwan | #3,255 | 1 : 9,538 |
List of countries the name Herbert is rarely found
- Malta:20 occurrences
- Denmark:19 occurrences
- Kuwait:19 occurrences
- Palestine:19 occurrences
- Botswana:17 occurrences
- Macao:17 occurrences
- Puerto Rico:17 occurrences
- Uruguay:17 occurrences
- Mauritius:15 occurrences
- Japan:14 occurrences
- Israel:13 occurrences
- Portugal:13 occurrences
- Turkey:11 occurrences
- Bahrain:10 occurrences
- Finland:9 occurrences
- Luxembourg:9 occurrences
- Indonesia:8 occurrences
- Russia:8 occurrences
- Argentina:7 occurrences
- Iceland:7 occurrences
- Hungary:6 occurrences
- Norway:6 occurrences
- Angola:5 occurrences
- Egypt:5 occurrences
- Tunisia:5 occurrences
- Bulgaria:4 occurrences
- Greece:4 occurrences
- Sudan:4 occurrences
- Albania:3 occurrences
- Brunei Darussalam:3 occurrences
- Algeria:3 occurrences
- India:3 occurrences
- Bangladesh:2 occurrences
- Burundi:2 occurrences
- Ecuador:2 occurrences
- Croatia:2 occurrences
- Morocco:2 occurrences
- El Salvador:2 occurrences
- Cyprus:1 occurrences
- Estonia:1 occurrences
- Iraq:1 occurrences
- Jordan:1 occurrences
- Lebanon:1 occurrences
- Libya:1 occurrences
- Slovenia:1 occurrences
- Syrian Arab Republic:1 occurrences
Herbert popularity in U.S.
This chart displays the ranking of the name Herbert from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.
Famous People with Name Herbert Simone Paragnani
Herbert Simone Paragnani
Herbert Simone Paragnani is a Screenwriter from Italy.
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Meaning - đ40 Origin - đ25 Pronunciation - đ25 Translation - đ25 Popularity - đ10 Famous People - đ10
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Names similar to Herbert Simone Paragnani
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