Pick 5 - How to Win | Louisiana Lottery (2025)

(Exact Order) 12345 12345 $25,000 $50,000 5 digits in exact order. 1 Way to win. Odds - 1 in 100,000 Box
(Any Order) 5-Way Box 11112 11112, 11121, 11211, 12111, 21111 $5,000 $10,000 4 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 20,000 10-Way Box 11122 11122, 11212, 12112, 21112, 11221, 12121, 21121, 12211, 21211, 22111 $2,500 $5,000 3 identical digits plus 1 pair of identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 10,000 20-Way Box 11123 11123, 11213, 12113, 21113, 11132, 11312, 13112, 31112, 11231, 12131, 21131, 11321, 13121, 31121, 12311, 21311, 13211, 31211, 23111, 32111 $1,250 $2,500 3 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 5,000 30-Way Box 11223 11223, 12123, 21123, 12213, 21213, 22113, 11232, 12132, 21132, 11322, 13122, 31122, 12312, 21312, 13212, 31212, 23112, 32112, 12231, 21231, 22131, 12321, 21321, 13221, 31221, 23121, 32121, 22311, 23211, 32211 $800 $1,600 2 pairs of identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 3,333 60-Way Box 11234 11234, 12134, 21134, 11324, 13124, 31124, 12314, 21314, 13214, 31214, 23114, 32114, 11243, 12143, 21143, 11423, 14123, 41123, 12413, 21413, 14213, 41213, 24113, 42113, 11342, 13142, 31142, 11432, 14132, 41132, 13412, 31412, 14312, 41312, 34112, 43112, 12341, 21341, 13241, 31241, 23141, 32141, 12431, 21431, 14231, 41231, 24131, 42131, 13421, 31421, 14321, 41321, 34121, 43121, 23411, 32411, 24311, 42311, 34211, 43211 $400 $800 2 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 1,667 120-Way Box 12345 12345, 21345, 13245, 31245, 23145, 32145, 12435, 21435, 14235, 41235, 24135, 42135, 13425, 31425, 14325, 41325, 34125, 43125, 23415, 32415, 24315, 42315, 34215, 43215, 12354, 21354, 13254, 31254, 23154, 32154, 12534, 21534, 15234, 51234, 25134, 52134, 13524, 31524, 15324, 51324, 35124, 53124, 23514, 32514, 25314, 52314, 35214, 53214, 12453, 21453, 14253, 41253, 24153, 42153, 12543, 21543, 15243, 51243, 25143, 52143, 14523, 41523, 15423, 51423, 45123, 54123, 24513, 42513, 25413, 52413, 45213, 54213, 13452, 31452, 14352, 41352, 34152, 43152, 13542, 31542, 15342, 51342, 35142, 53142, 14532, 41532, 15432, 51432, 45132, 54132, 34512, 43512, 35412, 53412, 45312, 54312, 23451, 32451, 24351, 42351, 34251, 43251, 23541, 32541, 25341, 52341, 35241, 53241, 24531, 42531, 25431, 52431, 45231, 54231, 34521, 43521, 35421, 53421, 45321, 54321 $200 $400 5 unique digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 833 Straight/Box 5-Way Straight/Box 11112 11112 (Exact Order) $30,000 11121, 11211, 12111, 21111
(Any Order)


$5,000 Straight and Box with 4 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 20,000 10-Way Straight/Box 11122 11122 (Exact Order) $27,500 11212, 12112, 21112, 11221, 12121, 21121, 12211, 21211, 22111
(Any Order)


$2,500 Straight and Box with 3 identical digits plus 1 pair of identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 10,000 20-Way Straight/Box 11123 11123 (Exact Order) $26,250 11213, 12113, 21113, 11132, 11312, 13112, 31112, 11231, 12131, 21131, 11321, 13121, 31121, 12311, 21311, 13211, 31211, 23111, 32111
(Any Order)


$1,250 Straight and Box with 3 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 5,000 30-Way Straight/Box 11223 11223 (Exact Order) $25,800 12123, 21123, 12213, 21213, 22113, 11232, 12132, 21132, 11322, 13122, 31122, 12312, 21312, 13212, 31212, 23112, 32112, 12231, 21231, 22131, 12321, 21321, 13221, 31221, 23121, 32121, 22311, 23211, 32211
(Any Order)


$800 Straight and Box with 2 pairs of identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 3,333 60-Way Straight/Box 11234 11234 (Exact Order) $25,400 12134, 21134, 11324, 13124, 31124, 12314, 21314, 13214, 31214, 23114, 32114, 11243, 12143, 21143, 11423, 14123, 41123, 12413, 21413, 14213, 41213, 24113, 42113, 11342, 13142, 31142, 11432, 14132, 41132, 13412, 31412, 14312, 41312, 34112, 43112, 12341, 21341, 13241, 31241, 23141, 32141, 12431, 21431, 14231, 41231, 24131, 42131, 13421, 31421, 14321, 41321, 34121, 43121, 23411, 32411, 24311, 42311, 34211, 43211
(Any Order)


$400 Straight and Box with 2 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 1,667 120-Way Straight/Box 12345 12345 (Exact Order) $25,200 21345, 13245, 31245, 23145, 32145, 12435, 21435, 14235, 41235, 24135, 42135, 13425, 31425, 14325, 41325, 34125, 43125, 23415, 32415, 24315, 42315, 34215, 43215, 12354, 21354, 13254, 31254, 23154, 32154, 12534, 21534, 15234, 51234, 25134, 52134, 13524, 31524, 15324, 51324, 35124, 53124, 23514, 32514, 25314, 52314, 35214, 53214, 12453, 21453, 14253, 41253, 24153, 42153, 12543, 21543, 15243, 51243, 25143, 52143, 14523, 41523, 15423, 51423, 45123, 54123, 24513, 42513, 25413, 52413, 45213, 54213, 13452, 31452, 14352, 41352, 34152, 43152, 13542, 31542, 15342, 51342, 35142, 53142, 14532, 41532, 15432, 51432, 45132, 54132, 34512, 43512, 35412, 53412, 45312, 54312, 23451, 32451, 24351, 42351, 34251, 43251, 23541, 32541, 25341, 52341, 35241, 53241, 24531, 42531, 25431, 52431, 45231, 54231, 34521, 43521, 35421, 53421, 45321, 54321
(Any Order)


$200 Straight and Box with 5 unique digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 833 Front/Back Front 4 Wager 1234*
Draw 12349 1234* $2,500 $5,000 First four numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 10,000 Back 4 Wager 2345
Draw 62345 *2345 $2,500 $5,000 Last four numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 10,000 Front 3 Wager 123*
Draw 12379 123** $250 $500 First three numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 1,000 Back 3 Wager 345
Draw 60345 **345 $250 $500 Last three numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 1,000 Front Pair Wager 12*
Draw 12779 12*** $25 $50 First two numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 100 Back Pair Wager ***45
Draw 60845 ***45 $25 $50 Last two numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 100
Pick 5 - How to Win | Louisiana Lottery (2025)


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.