Fears of a second
recession have caused panic
in Europe's financial markets.
The severity of this recession will
cause more pain before it ends.
European Union
cannot bail out Greece.
You've seen the
government of Spain coming out
and saying we've had the same problem.
Portugal says the same thing.
There's some talk
that Italy could be in trouble.
US intelligence officials
are growing more and more concerned
that foreign operatives are surveilling
computer systems
that control America's infrastructure.
It's now clear
this cyber threat is one of the most
serious national security challenges
we face as a nation.
Then it might
have the ability to go in and cripple
financial networks, nuclear plants,
chemical plants,
all of which would have devastating effect.
North Korea has now joined
the Pacific Rim Cooperation Organization.
The group's formation is
a clearer warning that further intervention
in the region by the U.S.
and its allies will not be tolerated.
A South Korean TV station
reports that North Korean leader
Kim Jong II
suffered a stroke.
His third
and youngest son, Kim Jong-Eun
has been tapped to inherit power.
Promoted from a nobody
to high political and military office.
As a kid, he was really loved by his father
because he had a fit of anger.
He will now lead
the world's fourth largest army.
Groups are fighting against Russia's
government from within its borders.
Rebels were planning to increase
their violent campaign
as the country prepares
for the presidential elections.
Russia's pouring more troops
into the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.
Ex-Soviet Georgia
has become a focus of tension
between Russia and the West.
We're working to reset
our relationship with Russia.
U.S. soldiers are being deployed
with renewed conflicts in the Middle East,
South Asia and the Korean peninsula.
Critics suggest
this leaves our shores unprotected.
South Korea accused the North
of firing a torpedo at its Cheonan warship.
South Koreans continue to protest
against North Korea's attack
on Yeonpyeong Island.
Some are calling the
attack a crime against humanity.
North Korea
continues to act in a provocative
and belligerent manner.
There are consequences to such actions.
Fueling the fire,
non-aggression pacts.
This is an incredibly immature
regime in the North.
The rogue North Korean
dictator makes a wild threat
to wipe out the United States.
North Korea is like a spoiled child.
North Korea is a danger to the world.
What would
North Korea possibly hope to gain?
What will be the next step?
What is it that they want?
What are they preparing for?
So far, this quarter,
Eckert has got to make up some ground
and try to get in field goal position.
But with the clock running down
and no time-outs left,
Wolverines are in a tough fix.
Out of bounds!
- How did that one feel, b*tch?
- Get off him!
Hey, man, you got rocked.
He hits hard!
Matty, be careful.
Eckert! Thirty seconds left.
Just get us in field goal range!
Come on, kid, now, execute!
Empty left! Empty left!
How's he doing?
Your ass is mine, b*tch!
You hitting on me, 53?
Mac 53, Mac 53. Hut!
Eckert, you got to stop
with the cowboy sh*t!
If I did that,
I'd still be back on the 20, Coach!
Get Danny on the corner!
Tell him to get his ass out of bounds!
- Line! Line!
- Pick him up. Pick him up.
Lead your team, 9!
- Take us to the house, Eckert!
- Hut!
You got to stop the clock!
Take it out of bounds!
Clock is still running.
Field goal, Archer!
Coach, let me go for it!
You got to be kidding me!
Field goal! Come on!
Kitner, what the hell are you doing?
It's for the podcast for
the school website.
They allow cursing on that podcast?
No, sir.
Then get that sh*t out of my face!
No good!
And that's the game.
Final score, Titans, 17. Wolverines, 14.
Thanks for coming out tonight, Wolverines.
We'll see you next time.
Hey, hey. It's my bad. My bad.
Hey, b*tch! We're going to the finals,
you want a ticket?
Awesome! Glad I could help.
God damn it.
Why are you hitting me?
Because it's more fun
than watching you stress.
Get out of your head.
Let's have a good time.
Sounds like a plan.
When is this supposed to get fun for me?
- Soon.
- Soon?
Now you're in the Air Force, right?
Marines, actually.
Yeah? I got a cousin that joined.
Where are you stationed?
I was in Najaf.
Down in California?
Close. Iraq.
Can I have another beer, please?
I mean, what are we
even fighting for, you know?
Jed Eckert.
- Toni.
- Toni Walsh.
Our families...
Our families used to go camping
together, I remember.
And you were always the oldest,
so you'd end up babysitting.
I used to think of it more
as being a scout leader or something.
Or babysitting.
Or babysitting, maybe, yeah.
Oh, God, and your mom used to make us
sing the most ridiculous songs.
Sh*t. I'm sorry.
Nothing to be sorry about.
I know it was hard on you guys.
So, how long are you here for?
- A few weeks.
- Then what?
Then it's off to wherever
they want to send me next.
Hey, Toni!
- We're right here. Hi.
- Okay.
- I'll see you.
- Yeah.
You guys won't miss these, right?
- No, of course not.
- Not at all, Toni.
Hey, sweetie.
What's gotten into you?
- Matt, nice game.
- Yeah, wasn't it amazing?
- You out?
- Yeah, man, I'm out.
And we're getting reports now
that the blackout may run
along the entire Northwest corridor.
Still no information on what may have
caused this massive failure, but...
- So, Matty.
- Yo!
You didn't tell me your brother was back
and all grown up.
Why are you so interested?
Because I'm an only child
and I'm curious about sibling rivalry.
I wish you had told us you were coming.
I still can't find the extra sheets
for the foldout. I've looked everywhere.
Dad, don't worry about it.
The couch is fine.
Love you.
I love you!
- Love you.
- Love you.
See you.
Hey, girls.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Got blackout duty.
Got to go rein in the crazies.
So, you saw the game?
Yes, sir, I saw it all.
I'm proud of you.
You played your hardest.
That's what matters.
They're lucky to have you.
You want a beer?
Hey, Matty, what are you doing?
I'm getting a drink.
Okay, you got a drink.
Close the door, the power's out.
Lighten up, man.
Hey, don't you have to
secure the perimeter or something?
A rendezvous with douche company?
What's going on?
Matty! We've got to find Dad. Come on.
I got no reception!
Try the radio.
Son of a b*tch.
What is this?
I don't know.
Hang on!
Stay on my ass!
Hang on!
- Get to the cabin!
- What? No!
The cabin!
Jed, take care of your brother,
you hear me?
Get out of here while you still can.
Go now! Go!
- No!
- Come on!
Jed, go!
- Jed, we got to get Erica.
- Where?
Next right!
Hold on!
- Matt!
- Erica!
No, Matty!
Get off me!
Matt! Jed!