Simple List of Amazon Acronyms and Abbreviations from A-Z (2024)

Navigating the ever-evolving world of Amazon e-commerce can feel like learning a new language, especially with the abundance of acronyms and abbreviations used by sellers and vendors. To make your journey through Amazon’s complex ecosystem a breeze, we’ve compiled a concise list of Amazon acronyms and abbreviations in our latest blog article.

This simplified resource is designed to give you quick access to the terms you need without the added bulk of definitions. Don’t forget to bookmark this page!

Whether you’re an experienced seller or just starting out, our streamlined list of essential Amazon acronyms and abbreviations will serve as a handy reference guide to help you communicate more effectively and efficiently in the Amazon marketplace.

And for those who are seeking a more comprehensive understanding of these terms, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered! Simply head over to our in-depth blog article, “Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors,” where you’ll find all the definitions and context you need to master the Amazon lingo.

We understand that there may be additional acronyms and abbreviations that haven’t made it onto our list. We’re committed to keeping this resource current and comprehensive, so if you come across any terms we haven’t included, please feel free to share them in the comments section. Your input is invaluable in helping us maintain an up-to-date and useful reference for all Amazon sellers and vendors. Happy selling!



  • 1P — First-Party
  • 3P — Third-Party
  • 3PL — Third-Party Logistics
  • 3PS — Third-Party Seller

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • AA — Amazon Associate
  • AAP — Amazon Advertising Platform
  • ACoS — Advertising Cost of Sale
  • ACS — Amazon Creative Services
  • AGL — Amazon Global Logistics
  • AGS — Amazon Global Selling
  • AHR — Account Health Rating
  • AITBB — Anything In The Buy Box
  • AL — Allocated (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • AM — Area Manager
  • AMC — Account Management Central
  • AMC — Amazon Marketing Cloud
  • AMS — Amazon Marketing Services
  • AMG — Amazon Media Group
  • AMZ — Amazon
  • AMZL — Amazon Logistics
  • AMZNCC — Amazon Carton Content Code
  • API — Application Program Interface
  • APvU — Add Products via Upload
  • AR — Amazon Robotics
  • ARA — Amazon Retail Analytics
  • ARAP — Amazon Retail Analytics Premium
  • ARS — Amazon Robotics Sortable
  • ARSAW — Amazon Robotics Semi-Automatic Workstation
  • ASBSA — Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement
  • ASC — Associate Safety Committee
  • ASIN — Amazon Standard Info Number
  • ASN — Advanced Shipping Notification (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • ASP — Average Selling Price
  • ASU — Amazon Seller University
  • ATC — Add to Cart
  • ATOP — At Time Of Posting
  • AVN — Amazon Vendor Negotiations
  • AVS — Amazon Vendor Service
  • AWD — Amazon Warehousing & Distribution
  • AWS — Amazon Web Services
  • AZ — Amazon

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • B2B — Business to Business
  • B2C — Business to Customer
  • BA — Brand Analytics
  • BB — Buy Box
  • BD — Best Deal
  • BIL — Build International Listing
  • BISS — Business Industrial & Scientific Supplies
  • BM — Brick & Mortar
  • BMVD — Books, Media, Video, DVD’s
  • BOD — Boxes on Demand
  • BOGO — Buy One Get One
  • BOLO — Buy On the Lookout
  • BR — Basic Replenishment(Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • BR — Brand Registry
  • BSA — Business Services Agreement / Business Solutions Agreement
  • BSR — Best Seller Rank
  • BTR — Born To Run(Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • BTS — Back-To-Schoo
  • BwP — Buy with Prime

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • CA — Canada
  • CAGR — Compound Annual Growth Rate
  • CCR — Counterfeit Complaint Rate
  • CCU — Counterfeit Crimes Unit
  • CD — Continuous Deployment
  • CM — Change Management
  • CMBR — Change Management Bar Raiser
  • COGs — Cost of Goods Sold
  • COW — Consumer Order Workflow
  • CP — Contribution Profit
  • CPC — Cost Per Click
  • CPH — Cost Per Head
  • CPI — Cost Price Increase
  • CPM — Cost Per Thousand Impressions
  • CPT — Critical Pull Time
  • CPS — Cost Per Shipment
  • CPU — Contacts Per Unit
  • CR — Cancellation Rate
  • CRaP — Can’t Realize a Profit
  • CRUD — Create, Read, Update, Delete
  • CS — Customer Service
  • CSA — Cost Support Agreement
  • CSM — Customer Success Manager
  • CTI — Category, Type, Item
  • CTR — Click Through Rate
  • CWGR — Compound Weekly Growth Rate
  • CX — Customer Experience

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • DEA — Dynamic E-commerce Ads
  • DEA — Delivery Estimate Accuracy
  • DF — Direct Fulfillment
  • DI — Direct Import
  • DMG — Damaged
  • DNR — Delivered Not Received
  • DOTD — Deal Of The Day
  • DP — Detail Page
  • DPMO — Defects Per Million Opportunities
  • DPV — Detail Page Views
  • DPVR — Detail Page View Rate
  • DSP — Delivery Service Provider
  • DSP — Demand Side Platform

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • EAN — European Article Number
  • EBC — Enhanced Brand Content
  • ECR — Executive Customer Relations
  • EDD — Estimated Delivery Date
  • EDI — Electronic Data Interchange
  • EFN — European Fulfillment Network
  • EOD — End of Day
  • ESL — English as a Second Language
  • EXSD — Expected Ship Date

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • FB — Facebook
  • FB — Feedback
  • FBA — Fulfillment by Amazon
  • FBM — Fulfillment by Merchant
  • FBS — Fulfillment by Seller
  • FC — Fulfillment Center
  • FCL — Full Container Load
  • FF — Flat File(Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • FFP — Frustration-Free Packaging
  • FLOW — Forward-Looking Order Workflow
  • FNSKU — Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit
  • FOB — Free on Board
  • FOL — Friends of Library
  • FPY — First Pass Yield
  • FTL — Full Truck Load

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • GL — General Ledger
  • GLN — Global Location Number
  • GS1 — Global Standards 1
  • GS1 DB — Global Standards 1 Database
  • GTIN — Global Trade Identification Number

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • HAZMAT — Hazardous Materials
  • HBA — Health & Beauty Aids
  • HSA — Headline Search Ads
  • HTF — Hard To Find

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • IAT — Inbound Andon Tracker
  • IAT — Issue Assistance Team
  • IB — Inbound
  • ICQA – Inventory Control Quality Assurance
  • IDQ — Item Data Quality
  • INR — Item Not Received
  • IMDb — Internet Movie Database
  • IMDb TV — Internet Movie Database TV
  • IP — Intellectual Property
  • IPI — Inventory Performance Index
  • IPQ – Item Package Quantity
  • IPS – Inventory Placement Service
  • IRDR — Inventory Record Defect Ratio
  • IS — In Season (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • IS — In Stock (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • ISBN – International Standard Book Number

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • JBP — Joint Business Plan

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • KDP — Kindle Direct Publishing
  • KPI — Key Performance Indicators

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • LBB — Lost Buy Box
  • LCL — Less Than Container Load
  • LD — Lightning Deals
  • LFO — Lost Feature Offer
  • LOA — Letter of Authorization
  • LR — Limited Replenishment(Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • LSPL — Large-Scale Product Launch
  • LSR — Late Shipment Rate
  • LTL — Less Than Truckload
  • LTSF — Long-Term Storage Fee

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • MAP — Minimum Advertised Price
  • MCF — Multi-Channel Fulfillment
  • MCF Order — Multi-Channel Fulfillment Order
  • MCP — Matching Compensation Plan
  • MF — Merchant Fulfilled
  • MFN — Merchant Fulfilled Network
  • MFS — Merchant Fulfilled Shipping
  • MFT — Marketplace Facilitator Tax
  • MNR — Manifested Not Received
  • MOD — Forum Moderator
  • MOM — Month Over Month
  • MOQ — Minimum Order Quantity
  • MSRP — Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price
  • MTC — Marketplace Tax Collection
  • MTD — Month To Date
  • MWS — Marketplace Web Services

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • NAFN — North American Fulfillment Network
  • NDA — Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • NDD — Next-Day Delivery
  • NET PPM — Net Product Profit Margin
  • NIS — New Item Setup
  • NP — New Product (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • NR – Non-Replenishable (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • NS — Dropship (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • NTB — New to Brand
  • NY — Not Yet Published (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • O2C — Order to Cash
  • OA — Online Arbitrage
  • OB — Obsolete (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • OB — Outbound
  • ODR — Order Defect Rate
  • OF — Off-Season (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • OIH — Order Inventory Health
  • OLR — Organization and Leadership Review
  • OM — Operations Manager
  • OMOQ – Offer Minimum Order Quantity
  • OOS — Out Of Stock
  • OP — Order Picker
  • OP — Out Of Print (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • Ops — Operations
  • ORDT — On-Road Dynamic Transfer
  • OTC — Over The Counter
  • OTT — Over The Top
  • OTP — One-Time Password

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • P70 — Probability 70%
  • P80 — Probability 80%
  • P90 — Probability 90%
  • P&L — Profit and Loss
  • PA — Process Assistant
  • PCOGS — Product Cost of Goods Sold
  • PDA — Product Display Ads
  • PDP — Product Detail Page
  • PED — Prime Exclusive Discount
  • PIB — Perfect Inbound
  • PIBDR — Perfect Inbound Defect Rate
  • PICS — Pan European Inbound Consolidation Service
  • PL —Private Label
  • PMV — Process Map Visuals
  • PNoV or PNV — Preliminary Notice of Violation
  • PO — Purchase Order
  • POA — Plan of Appeal / Plan of Action
  • POC — Point of Contact
  • POD — Proof of Delivery
  • POPS — Proactive Outbound Problem Solve
  • PPC — Pay Per Click
  • PPE — Personal Protective Equipment
  • PPM — Pure Product Margin
  • PPQA — Process Path Quality Assurance
  • PPV — Product Price Variance
  • PQV — Product Quantity Variance
  • PR — Planned Replenishment (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • PRL — Prepaid Return Label

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • Q1 — First Quarter
  • Q2 — Second Quarter
  • Q3 — Third Quarter
  • Q4 — Fourth Quarter
  • QA — Quality Assurance
  • QBR — Quarterly Business Review

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • RA — Retail Arbitrage
  • Remote Fulfillment with FBA
  • REPLEN — Replenishable Product
  • RFS — Refund at First Scan
  • RIPV — Received Intellectual Property Violation
  • RoAS — Return On Ad Spend
  • ROI — Return on Investment
  • ROO — Removal of Offer
  • ROO — Removal of Order
  • RRP — Recommended Retail Price
  • RSP — Robotics Service Platform
  • RSR — Reserve Stow Racks

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • SAS — Strategic Account Services
  • SB or SBA — Sponsored Brands ads
  • SBC — Simple Bin Count
  • SC – Seller Central
  • SD — Sales Discount
  • SD or SDA – Sponsored Display ads
  • SDA — Selective Distribution Agreement
  • SDD – Same-Day Delivery
  • SDN — Selective Distribution Network
  • SEO — Search Engine Optimization
  • SeSu or SS — Seller Support
  • SFP — Seller Fulfilled Prime
  • SIOC — Ships in Own Container
  • SIPV — Suspected Intellectual Property Violation
  • SKU — Stock Keeping Unit
  • SLA — Service Level Agreement
  • SLAM — Shipping, Label, Apply, Manifest
  • SnS — Subscribe and Save
  • SnL or S&L — Small and Light
  • SOA — Sell-Out Agreement
  • SP or SPA — Sponsored Products ads
  • SPN — Service Provider Network
  • SPOO/SP00 — Shipping Package #
  • SR — Sales Rank
  • SRC — Simple Record Count
  • SRP — Suggested Retail Price
  • SSA — Shipping Settings Automation
  • SSCC — Serial Shipping Container Code
  • STA — Send to Amazon
  • STR — Sell Through Rate
  • SVS — Strategic Vendor Service
  • SWA — Shipping with Amazon

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • T&C — Terms and Conditions
  • TBA — Transport by Amazon
  • TIA — Thanks In Advance
  • TOS — Terms of Service
  • TOT — Time Off Task
  • TRU — Toys R Us
  • TTT — Tote Transition Time

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • UFT — Ultra Fast Track
  • UI — User Interface
  • UN — Unknown (Vendor Central Replenishment Code)
  • UPC — Universal Product Code
  • UPH — Units Per Hour
  • UR — Universal Receive
  • URP — Universal Receive Prep
  • URS — Universal Receive Sort
  • UTA — Unable to Access
  • UTL — Unable to Locate
  • UX — User Experience

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • VA — Virtual Assistant
  • VAT — Value-Added Tax
  • VC — Vendor Catalog
  • VFLEX — Vendor Flex
  • VFMC — Vendor Funded Managed Coupons
  • VIP — Vendor Improvement Plan
  • VIR — Volume Incentive Rebate
  • VIS — Video In Search
  • VPV — Vendor Powered Voucher
  • VNHO — Virtual New Hire Orientation
  • VOC — Voice of the Customer
  • VTR — Valid Tracking Rate

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • WHS — Warehouse
  • WHS — Warehouse Health and Safety
  • WM — Walmart
  • WOC — Weeks of Cover
  • WOW — Week Over Week

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


  • YMMV — Your Mileage May Vary
  • YOY — Year Over Year
  • YTD — Year To Date

For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.


For the definitions of all of these abbreviations and more Amazon-related terms visit our complete list at
Glossary of Amazon Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms, and More for Sellers and Vendors“.

If you have any terms that we missed, please let us know in the comments as we will try to keep this list updated.


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Simple List of Amazon Acronyms and Abbreviations from A-Z (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.