- 1 Summary
- 2 Areas and Encounters
- 2.1 Hangar Deck
- 2.2 Command Deck
- 2.3 Officers Quarters Deck
- 2.4 Engineering Deck
- 3 Bad End
- 4 Resolution
- 5 Notable Items and Rewards
When Captain Steele is level 7 or higher and travelling to or from Myrellion there is a 25% Chance if the real-time date is between October 24 to November 7 or a 0.25% Chance outside of those dates for the distress call of this mission to appear.
Responding to the distress call mid-flight will reveal a message from Steele Tech asking to aid in a support-rescue mission with Nova Securities and detailing the importance of the possible cargo on board. Captain Steele can then choose to Help Nova Securities or Abandon them. During the mission, the Extranet Messenger will be jammed by communications interference.
Recommended Level: 7+
Areas and Encounters
Accepting the mission will have Captain Steele meet with the Chief Officer of the Nova Securities rescue team, the Sunny Nebula, and will proceed to board the Kashima.
Hangar Deck
Once on the Kashima, Steele and The Chief's party must navigate deeper into the ship. They will discover that the personnel Elevators seem to be broken and the walls covered in musky White Slime. Aside from that, the Cargo Lift leading to the command deck appears to work. Steele can choose to Use Lift to proceed to the next level. Doing so the group will engage in the first hostile encounter with infected Steele Tech crew members. Among the chaos, Steele and The Chief must defeat a large group of infected. Losing to the ambush will result in a bad end. Defeating them will allow Steele and The Chief to reach the deck, but at the loss of The Chief's troops, who all get dragged away into the darkness.
Command Deck
Upon reaching the deck, the lift falls and the exit to it is sealed due to the emergency lockdown. The Chief recommends Steele go to the bridge to call for a quarantine and backup. Most of the deck is susceptible to infected ambushes. To the west, access to the Medical Bay will be locked until Steele finds a way to open it. The bridge itself is located to the east.
Heading towards the bridge, the doors will be locked and Steele will attempt to open them. In the meantime, Steele can ask The Chief for her name, apologize for her losing her troops, ask about her experience, or just stay quiet. When the doors open, The Chief and Steele are confronted by the mutated Captain Holmes. Holmes will attack them on sight. During the fight a female doctor will run out the opened door. Losing to him will result in a bad end. Defeating him will allow The Chief to attempt to call Nova, but to no avail, as she finds the communications are completely jammed, the origin possibly being the Engineering floor. Upon leaving, the defeated Captain attempts to revive again so the Steele and The Chief quickly run out and seal the door behind them.
Coming to or from the bridge, Steele will pass a the Captain's Ready Room. Because the room is locked, Steele must Hack Door, which will activate a circuit minigame. There is a limited number of moves and 3 total tries. If Steele fails all attempts, the door will lock indefinitely. If Steele is successful, the room will unlock and Steele may enter. Inside is a safe zone and there is a Sword behind the captain's desk.
While crossing the Command Deck, there will be another surprise ambush and The Chief will dragged away, leaving Steele to head towards Engineering alone. When Steele reaches the Medical Bay entrance, another wave of infected will attempt to take Steele--however, after a moment the MedBay doors will open and Steele is rescued by the mystery doctor, Doctor Elenora Vanderbilt.
While in the MedBay, Steele and Elenora will try to sort out a plan. Elenora will strongly recommend finding a cure and will help formulate it if Steele finds her the materials to; but Steele can also forgo that plan and head straight to Engineering to attempt to clear the signal. To proceed, Steele must access the Vent and choose to the Officers Quarters or to Engineering.
Officers Quarters Deck
While moving through the Officers Quarters Deck, Steele will occasionally be jumped by infected crew members.
In the Engineering Quarters, Steele may attempt to Search it, turning up 2000 credits in the process.
In the Executive Quarters, Steele may attempt to Search it.
In the Science Quarters, Steele may attempt to Search it, finding a locked safe. If Steele performs (out of 3 tries) a successful Safe Crack, Steele will find some credits and a parasite sample inside. If Steele returns to the MedBay and gives it to Elenora, it will allow her to create a cure for the crew. It will take her several hours until completion. In the meantime, Steele may return to the Officers Quarters and/or sleep off the time. When Elenora completes, she will give Steele the cure to put into the replicator and the sprinkler system, found in the Engineering deck.
In the Chief Medical Officer's Quarters, Steele can Search it and loot a One Shot Stim Booster from the Medical Supplies box.
Engineering Deck
When Steele enters the Engineering Deck, Steele will be met by a restrained Chief Naykkar who is being pumped full by a mutated Commander Henderson. Henderson will engage in combat with Steele. Losing to Henderson will result in a bad end.
During the fight, while The Chief is still tied up, Steele can attempt to Free Chief. Henderson will make it difficult but if Steele can blind, stun, stagger, or paralyze him, there will be an available opening. If Steele is successful, The Chief will finally be free of his grip and join Steele in the battle.
During the fight, if Steele is holding the cure there will be opportunities where Steele can attempt to insert it into the replicator with Use Cure. After a few tries, if Steele is successful, the cure will multiply and be dispersed through the sprinkler system, activated with the Fire Alarm. This will distract Henderson and sap all his health.
Bad End
Losing to any combat encounter during this mission will result in a bad end, with variation based on whether Steele is defeated during the infected crew member or the captain/commander battles.
To complete the mission Steele must defeat Commander Henderson and escape the Kashima successfully. The conclusion has different outcomes and rewards depending on the choices made during the mission.
If Steele did not create the cure, Steele must make it to the ship and Escape! Doing so will leave the infected crew behind. When out of range of the jammers, Steele will leave a message to Steele Tech detailing the event and to send help. Steele Tech will respond with a payment of 8000 credits for the experience.
If Steele created the cure, the crew will be saved. If Steele did not successfully use the cure during the battle and The Chief was not already released, she will be impregnated upon release. In either case, the parasite inside her will rapidly grow, becoming a danger to everyone around her. Steele will need to make a choice to either go to the MedBay and remove (and possibly kill) the parasite, or call Steele Tech to retrieve the parasite. If Steele chose to go to the MedBay, the parasite will be extracted and neutralized. If Steele chose to wait for Steele Tech, The Chief will be over-lusty and Steele will have to keep her company (and sexually preoccupied, if Steele has genitals). The parasite will be preserved by Steele Tech. In both situations, the Steele Tech security will come to quarantine the ship and Steele will be rewarded 25000 credits for completing the mission.
Notable Items and Rewards
- Vamp Blade - Looted from the Captain's Ready Room.
- 2000 credits - Looted from the Engineering Quarters.
- Parasite Sample and 250 to 300 credits - Looted from the Science Quarters' safe.
- Parasite Cure - Waiting about 4 hours for Elenora to create it from the parasite sample.
- Steele Tech Suit - Dropped from an infected crew member during final ambush before the escape.
- 8000 credits - Completing without creating the cure.
- 25000 credits - Completing and has created and possibly used the cure.