Trials in Tainted Space – Fenoxo's Blog (2025)

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Where’s TiTS?

October 9, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

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Behold, the prize for getting Kiro’s panties – by ToonNik.

Right here! …but also our TiTS have been a little saggy and deflated this month for a variety of reasons, bullet pointed below:

  • Our lead artist and project reviewer had a vacation.
  • Another artist / coder also took a vacation.
  • Fen’s upstairs A/C went out during September’s last hot days – Fen’s work PC and office are upstairs. ($800 later, and she works again!)
  • Fen’s gout flared up and took him out for ~1 week. It was a rough week but resulted in dropping 10 pounds and a real change in his drinking habits for the better.
  • Fen & his wife overnighted in the emergency room because one of her chronic health issues decided to level up and prevent her from being able to intake water.

It has not been pure idleness, however. Leek is deep in the butthole of a 100+ page character expansion that should be nearing completion – as soon as it’s ready, I will be patching. Gedan too has been busy – she’s been rebuilding how the image pack is delivered and install to function properly on OSX, which has been a nightmare of permission hells. Once she’s got it all ready, the higher resolution images should be easier and more reliable to install. And we do have some updates and tweaks that I’m going to push out the door right now.

0.9.110 Changelog Hotfix #1:

  • A hotfix is rolling out to address the new dracow busts not displaying. An error in the image manifest was addressed, and errors in the bust calls for the characters were corrected.

0.9.110 Changelog:

  • [Public] The Dracow family expansion is now public.
  • Phaedra II got its first chunk of room descriptions. (Fenoxo)
  • Vagina parsers were rebuilt. I found the existing adjective selection for the vagina descriptions to be a little too cringy for my own tastes, so when Nonesuch requested access to individual parsers for a vaginas looseness or wetness I saw an opportunity to address it. The new system utilizes a commonality system for words so that more outlandish, “purple prose” should come up much more rarely, while common terminology appears much more frequently. Please be sure to let me know if it starts describing your vagina in absolutely insane ways (and note that wetness level descriptions elevate with increased lust values). (Fenoxo)
    • Added pc.vaginaWetnessAdjective parser to output an adjective indicative of the vagina’s wetness.
    • Added pc.vaginaLoosenessAdjective parser to output an adjective indicative of the vagina’s looseness.
  • New CGs: Kiro Panties, Penny Panties (ToonNik)
  • New Busts: Chia, Yzi, and Bixia – the Dracows. (Adjatha)
  • Various small fixes.

[TiTS] Ranchin’ Up Some Goo

September 13, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

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She’s out to kiss troublemakers and chew bubblegum… and she’s all out of bubblegum!

Yeehaw, pardner! Even away from New Texas, we can’t help but rustle up some back-home country goodness for yall to enjoy – this time in the form of Nuka moisture farmer, penned by our very own head artist, Adjatha!

0.9.109 Changelog:

  • [Backers] The Nuka Rancher is now able to found on Phaedra! This puffy-lipped cow-poke shows up as a random encounter on Phaedra’s glassy wastes. In the future she may find herself relocated to a smaller subsection of the planet’s hazard tiles where she can be more reliably found, but all things in good time. (Written by Adjatha, coded by Leek)
    • This tough fight summons up clones of herself to tease you from multiple directions at once! Her intended defeat path involves clearing her psionic additions to stun her for a swift defeat, but please let us know how the combat feels for your particular character in the comments. I was able to reliably defeat her with my level 12 tester after a handful of nerfs and adjustment to the base implementation. (Fen)
  • [Public] Suze!
  • Fixed an Ardia crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Rewrote the scripting for a PowerBoner combat event to avoid triggering warnings. (Fen)
  • Implemented a system to manage panty CG display. (lowercase donkey)
  • Added an artist filter for the art gallery. (Jacques00)
  • Added some improvements to our save & bug report systems to better identify bugs that occur as a result of improperly modified saves. (Gedan)
  • Fixed an art gallery crash. (Jacques00)

[TiTS] Dhaal Parties So Hard… Maybe Too Hard!

Trials in Tainted Space – Fenoxo's Blog (3)

It’s always a delight to find art in the wild.

I suppose Andrew W.K. would have a great time there.

0.9.108 Hotfix Changelog:

  • Fixed the repeat Peer Party (the Backer content referenced in the below changelog) not ever appearing if you are past the event.
  • Fixed the cooldown to begin on encountering the chance to go to the party, rather than on going to the party itself. This way if it is an unwanted encounter, refusing it will ensure you won’t see it again until the cooldown is up, instead of being spammed with it for saying ‘no’.
  • Fixed a broken parser crash in the peer party scenes.

0.9.108 Changelog:

  • [Backers] After encountering Feruze on the taxi and stepping into a hazard map tile on Dhaal, be approached by a Zaika Peer for a… private engagement with her and her specially-modified XO. (Written by Adjatha, coded by Fenoxo)
    • Access new dialogue with more Dhaal lore.
    • Explore four brand-spanking new sex scenes, one of which is wildly different depending on which corporate alliance you’ve made progress toward brokering at previous fancy shindig.
    • After meeting her, getting invited back is added to Dhaal’s encounter table with a long cooldown.
  • [Backers] A full map view is now ready to be tested. Click on the room/zone name display at the top of the map to pop it out! (Jacques00)
  • [Public] Phaedra’s train dungeon is go! Now everyone can take a ride on the pain train…
  • [New CG] Roo panties (Art by ToonNik)
  • [New CG Silhouttes] When selecting player species during creation, the available choices now have silhouettes of your mother’s general shape. (Art by Jacques00, coded by Jacques00)
  • Updated Dhaal’s quest log entires in the Codex to give better indications of your current progress and what you should pursue next. Some prepwork was done to include numerous other events from the dungeon, but not yet visible. (Fenoxo)
  • Deployable Turret scaling now uses BimboIntelligence instead of Intelligence.
  • Deployable Turret weapon scaling now scales off of level 11 instead of 12 (+1 weapon damage).
  • Fixed MascOff deleting penises during save/load. (THE HORROR! Fixed by lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a potential crash in the Warbitch encounter. (Jacques00)
  • Adjusted tooltip for the inventory screen so as not cover the buttons. (Jacques00?)
  • Fixed piercing menu lite item titles not displaying properly. (Jacques00)
  • Layered map floors should now have a more subdued connector color. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a crash with Tracer Rounds. (Jacques00)
  • Gave the Sterilex Band a visible status effect when the item is worn or taken off. The effect is purely superficial and it will hide/remove itself when certain conditions are met. (Jacques00)
  • Potentially fixed a crash with Ovalasting Egg Trainer. (Jacques00)
  • Power armor movement speed (extra time pass on move) has been made more consistent. (Jacques00)
  • If there is ever just one button, and that button is Close/Cancel, it will automatically use the “Accept” keybind (spacebar). (Jacques00)
  • Fixed an Anno crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a Pickmentation crash. (lowercase donkey)
  • And many more typos corrected and tiny fixes made!

[TiTS] The Name’s Steele, Dragonlayer Steele.

August 30, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

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Trials in Tainted Space – Fenoxo's Blog (4)

Consider enjoying all the pixels for this upcoming CG from ToonNik on our Patreon.

The lovely folks on the CoC2 team pushed out a patch today as well!

Now that the train dungeon is out of pipe, the content must flow regularly once more! (Check below the changelog for discussion of ongoing work that didn’t make it in for this patch!)

0.9.107 Changelog:

  • [Backers] The Dracow Family has been expanded to allow you to spend time with them in a more one-on-one way. As before, you can bump into these lovely ladies on the pastoral getaway better known as New Texas! Written by Sil the Dragon Lover and coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Anno’s advanced anal training is now available for all!
  • [Public] Calia is now public!
  • [Public] Tanis’s Expansion is now public!

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[TiTS] Clues of Suze

August 21, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

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Voulez voulez suze avec moi?

I’m getting a raging clue…

0.9.106 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Suze can now be met at Kally’s above Vesperia on Canadia Station! She’s like the coffee people always claim to love: tall, dark, and strong. Written by Nonesuch and coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Carmelita is now in the public version of the game! (Next patch should have three big projects go public too.)
  • Jacques00 ripped around under the hood of the combat UI to make a lot of tweaks and improvements.
  • If Easy Mode is enabled, the player can see a list of the opponent’s general immunities and statuses at the bottom of the appearance text, if applicable. (The player’s combat appearance screen will have this regardless of Easy Mode.) This should help with some clarity if the status effect icons on the sidebar aren’t enough information. (Jacques00)
  • Hureya can now move on from her pillory with a ticket. (lowercasedonkey)
  • Improved the Capsule Hotel on Dhaal’s menus and functionality. (Jacques00)
  • Weapon-dependent special attacks – particularly the level 13 ones – should now properly check and require an appropriate weapon. (Jacques00)
  • Equippable drones should have damage information on their tooltips now. (Jacques00)
  • Mimbrane combat bits that missed getting hooked into TiTS:Javascript Edition’s new combat UI has been hooked up by a lowercase donkey.
  • Fixed two softlocks in the train dungeon. (lowercase donkey)
  • Cumsluts can now drink cum bubbles. What a twist! (Jacques00)
  • Unused images hid themselves from the image gallery. Shy little fellers! (Jacques00)
  • Synthsap fixes. (loWercAse donkEy)
  • Fixed the Myr Unification rally proccing twice. (Jacques00)
  • Various bugs and typos fixed. (Jacques00 & lowercasedonkey)

Hype Train Ain’t Got No Brakes!

August 11, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

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Trials in Tainted Space – Fenoxo's Blog (6)

The TiTS train is pulling into the station, and you don’t want to miss out on boarding this ride!

Note: I highly recommend keeping a save from before the start of this dungeon, as it may catch important updates in the days to come.

0.9.105 Changelog:

  • [Hotfix] Thermal Disruptor + Boosted Charges now procs burn chance based on an intelligence vs reflex saving throw instead of a flat 1/3 chance. It also creates a longer lasting burn for 10% of its base damage per turn (pre-defense).
  • [Hotfix] Fixed the AoE portion of Static Strike.
  • [Hotfix] Added more consistent checking parameters for isBlind() and removeBlindness().
  • [Hotfix] Added toxinEffectsList() and use for isPoisoned() check and removeToxins().
  • [Hotfix] With “Void Sight”, not all instances of blindness are covered (such as “Pitch Black” and repeat “Smoke Grenade”). Because of this, at the start of each turn, if “Void Sight” is active, it will automatically clear any valid blindness effects.
  • [Hotfix] Added missing image entries.
  • [Hotfix] Updated body part stats for train dungeon enemies to more accurate match their species and appearance.
  • [Hotfix] Creed’s dick length has been set correctly. Whoops!
  • [Hotfix] Fixed a crash related to “show mercy” or “keep sucking”. :3
  • [Hotfix] Fixed scenes missing bust art.
  • [Hotfix] Caught and killed stray curly braces. { But did we get them all? }
  • [Hotfix] Fixed a rare crash caused by an interaction with shield bypassing weapons and multi-foe fights.
  • [Hotfix] Thermal damage is now correctly listed as burning damage.
  • [Hotfix] Hureya’s claw untangled its tooltip and description values.
  • [Hotfix] Lots of small typos and issues with the new abilities cleaned up.
  • [All] Level 13 is unlocked and ready for play! Abilities are in their “first pass” form and may be wildly underpowered, overpowered, or perfectly tuned – you be the judge! (Fenoxo)
  • [Backers] The first Phaedra II dungeon is available! It’s a battle on a speeding train, and these hyena-folk are feelin’ mean! (Coded by: Gedan/Fenoxo/Jacques00) (Written by: Savin/Nonesuch/Skom/William/Magenta/QuestyRobo)
  • New Bust/CG Art: Train Dungeon NPCs (a lot!), Zenn, Niddhy, Claes panty CG, and Saendra panty CG. (Adjatha & ToonNik)
  • Additional CG Art: the old bestiary images by Renezuo.
  • New mini-map effects: per tile and whole map. Check out the new dungeon to see them in action!
  • New Weapons: lightning claw, flaming axe, witchboy staff, grenade launcher (with selectable grenades), rocket hammer, and plasma halberd.
  • Fixed a save bug causing some item values to be stored as strings instead of numbers.
  • Status Rework: Burning got reworked to build up on repeated hits and scales off of your weapon’s fire damage value. (Fenoxo)
  • Ranged combat miss chances were incorrectly based off of physique instead of aim. This has been fixed. (Jacques00)
  • Paralyzing shock now correctly deals electrical damage when upgraded. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed Nyrean Spears having completely janked-up values. Instead of dropping a fresh instance of the item, they were copying their actual held item to be dropped. That item had some non-standard values set to tweak the mob’s balance. (Geddy)
  • New UI colors: brought back the old “Bubblegum” colors, but renamed to “Fuschia”. Added a few “Techno” themed colors. (Jacques00)
  • An absolute butt-ton of other fixes. Seriously, there’s so many. (Lowercase-donkey, Jacques00, Gedan, Fenoxo)

Tittilicious Thursday

July 18, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

ArtTrials in Tainted Space



Sock it to me!

I have emerged from the woods after an indeterminate amount of time to bring you this spicy new TiTS patch, harvested from the finest bosomtrees the forest has to offer, seasoned with a sprinking of the thickest, freshest mushroom milk.

Hotfix #1:

  • Fixes to Flurry preg
  • Conservation button will no longer be incorrectly disabled after Flurry pregnancy ends
  • Flurry pregnancy by steele will now correctly progress when frosty is not also pregnant by Steele.

Hotfix #2:

  • Pidemme’s should no longer drop crash-inducing chit plate.

0.9.104 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Calia has arrived! The femboy suula can be found around in Sheer Beauty, Mi Amour, and Happy Tails. Written by Fr0sty and coded by Leek.
  • [Backers] Anno can get some “advanced” training. It’s anal training. Look inside your heart of hearts – you know it be true. Written by William and coded by Leek.
  • [Backers] Tanis got an expansion giving him some more loving, and four new ways to be loved… Written by Skom and coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Vermillion is now available!
  • New bust art: Carmelita.
  • New bust art: Calia.
  • New CG: Anno Panties. (If you have her panties, activate a masturbation scene with them). Art by ToonNik.
  • Added framework for additional map animation effects. Soooooon ™! By Jacques00.
  • Deployable turrets can now have a target assigned manually in the special attacks menu. By Jacques00.
  • Nyrea Alpha had their base stats increased slightly and their weapon damage lowered.
  • Pidemmes should generate with slightly more permissive fetishes and slightly less HP defense.
  • The level 2 tainted rusher encounter has 15 less HP.
  • lowercase donkey went under the hood and changed how several NPCs track how they have sex to be more internally consistent.
  • The “Burning” status is now colorized as a “bad” status. Naughty status!
  • The Power Boner cybernetic was tuned more appropriately.
  • The Opal Ring now works as intended when applied to the sack.
  • Fixed a crash involving the drugged korgonne during the siege of Korg’ii Hold event.
  • Fixed several potential combat UI crashes. Thanks, Jacques00!
  • Fixed combat formatting errors in Maike, Crystal Goos, and explosionDodgeBlurb.
  • Several tweaks to keybinds were made, especially for the storage menu. (Jacques00)
  • Numerous typo fixes.

[TiTS] Carmelita Make My Monster (Dong) Grow

July 5, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

ArtTrials in Tainted Space



July 4th weekends go great with Fox-taurs! Enjoy~

0.9.103 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Carmelita the fox is now availabe for backers. She’s a fox-taur who can be encountered in various hangars throughout the system, written by Doots and coded by Leek.
  • [Public] Mindstreeeeeaaaaaaaam~
  • Piercings now display in the appearance menu.
  • New piercing location: ballsack.
  • Smuggler Buff! The “Desperation” perk now activates when HP dips below 50%, then stays active. Previously it only worked when HP was below 50%, which resulted in anti-synergy with “Die Another Day.”
  • Tech Specialists can no longer deploy multiple deployable turrets in one fight.
  • Fixed a Sylvie crash.
  • Fixed “hasItemAnywhere” not properly checking ship storage due to a typo.
  • T1-K4’s item is now tagged as “Custom”-tier rarity.
  • T1-K4 no longer counts for a crew bedding space, as a robot.
  • Improved Ero Gas Grenade display.
  • Aphro Gas is now correctly tagged as a hostile status effect.
  • Cleaned up calls to “hasTentacleWings” and converted to the more appropriate “hasBackGenitals”.
  • Fixed a navigation crash in SyriQuest.
  • Lots of fixes for Tika.
  • Some under the hood preparation for rare drops on Phaedra.
  • Fixed a Tessa crash.
  • Lots of small text and grammar tweaks as always.

[TiTS] Smolpatch

June 26, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

Trials in Tainted Space



CoC2 got a patch too!

0.9.102 Changelog:

  • Vahn should work again.
  • [Public] T1K4’s crew content should now be available.
  • Some under the hood reworks of the “load in” system that should result in more accurate tooltips.
  • Another unreleased fight in Phaedra’s long-hyped “train dungeon” got polished. Soon ™.
  • Goo players can now shift the appearance of their feet.
  • Lots of other fixes and bug reports.

[Backers] Nun of Your Business

June 20, 2024Fenoxo Fenfen

ArtTrials in Tainted Space



I’d have communion with her, if you know what I’m sayin’… (Art by Adjatha)

Though I suppose you could make it your business…

0.9.101 Changelog:

  • [Backers] Vermillion the Nuka Nun is now available as a random encounter on Phaedra II. (Written by Magenta Needle, coded by Leek)
  • [Public] The dracow family is now public!
  • [Public] Extrameet Gabilani is now public!
  • [Public] The Crew Toy expansion is now public!
  • Fisianna’s panties now have an associated CG when masturbating with them, drawn by ToonNik.
  • Jacques00 added a system to reorganize your ship’s weapons. This feature was added shortly before patch and thus may contain new and exciting forms of bugs.
  • Lots of small fixes and tweaks.
…if you eat an immortal’s ass, have you discovered the elden ring?

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    What do you do with Ardia?

    • I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
    • I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
    • I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
    • I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
    • I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
    • I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
    • I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)

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Trials in Tainted Space – Fenoxo's Blog (2025)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.